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P4 Extra Sverige Radio (Stockholm) Adam Lambert Interview (audio) "Adam Lambert About The New Swedish Cooperation: I Love It Here!"

Filed Under () by glitzylady on Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Posted at : Wednesday, November 18, 2015

In this excellent extended interview on P4 Extra, shortly after his arrival in Sweden from China, while in preparation for his Swedish Idol performance (11-13-15), Adam Lambert chatted with Lotta Brome on Sverige Radio in Stockholm, Sweden..

They covered  a wide range of topics: Adam's time on American Idol, his collaboration with the iconic band Queen, his new upcoming WORLD tour, and so much more..

VERY nice interview!

The entire audio Podcast LINK BELOW:

Adam Lambert about the new Swedish cooperation "I love it here!"

Adam Lambert photo from the P4 Extra website article. Photo by Greg Allen AP/TT

Introduction to the interview:

He's Freddie Mercury's replacement When Queen Tours around the World. Adam Lambert is the artist who was Introduced into American Idol in 2009 and HAS now taken us by storm. He was not the typical Idol participant but his second placement in the Contest HAS taken him around the globe. Litsen to Lotta and Lambert talk about what Idol HAS DONE his career and Which Swedish stars are Involved in the new album. He Also Reveals What the wierdest roumour HE HAS heard about himself.


Anne Marie said...

I loved the interview, Adam was so relaxed, and the interviewer asked some good questions, not silly stuff. Adam is a real person, with a business to promote, and this guy took him seriously.

funbunn40 said...

Intelligent interview & Adam as always, very forthcoming & well spoken. He has always given Idol props for giving him the incredible platform to share his talent, when others seldom acknowledge the great opportunity & don't take the time to defend Idol when it's been disparaged as being just a reality show. This show gave us Adam & for that I'm grateful. Ada also is very appreciative to those who have helped him along the way, contributing to his success & he demonstrated it again with his praise of Max Martin, Shellback, Tove Lo & those in Sweden that helped him with this album. I;m really excited for THE TOUR!

CT said...

A I loved the interview! The interviewer was just as relaxed as Adam and asked meaningful questions. As we know, Adam is never at a loss for words and is very expressive. I really enjoy listening to Adam speak because he is very intelligent, has good ideas and always answers questions directly. His honesty and authenticity comes across to the listeners.