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Dallas Voice: Adam Interview (print)

Filed Under () by broddybounce on Friday, June 26, 2015

Posted at : Friday, June 26, 2015

Dallas Voice, a weekly print & online newspaper whose self-description reads The Premier Media Source for LGBT Texas, has published an interview with Adam called "Up & Adam."
" fans are so loyal and loving, and they’re so passionate about all the things that I do, I think that they recognize that if it’s something I believe in that’s exciting, they get excited by that."


Anonymous said...

JAK here......Am I the only person who feels the word 'queer' is derogatory?
It doesn't seem to phase Adam, but I cringe a bit. Anyone else feel that way?

broddybounce said...

@JAK: As a gay man, I can tell you that "queer" is no longer derogatory to gay men and lesbians as it used to be years back. It has been appropriated by the Gay & Lesbian community-at-large and turned from negative to positive. There are many phrases, expressions, names of organizations and publications, etc. etc., that utilize the term "Queer," as well as within personal conversation, and it is completely done so with full acceptance as a positive expression of who gay men and lesbians are. As a matter of fact, the oft-used LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender) is oftentimes extended to LGBTQ.

That was a great question to pose, JAK, thanks! :)

Anonymous said...

JAK, if someone like broddybounce isn't around, this is a great reference. It has a glossary of terms and more.

The Dark Side said...

I have never been comfortable with the word but grew up with it! Gays seem to identify with the word but I have always thought it demeaning. I never use it or Fag either.

The Dark Side said...

Btw my Gay son is no longer with us, but we have never in our family used any term but Gay. To use any other term would seem to lessen his memory.

daydreamin said...

I agree with you JAK. I have never gotten used to that term either.
Thanks Broddybounce for your insight.

krismidas said...

It's interesting how the meaning of the word "queer" has evolved over the decades. My daughter took a class called "Queer Theory" at the University of Illinois last semester. I thought it was interesting that even the academic community uses it as a legitimate term now.

Anonymous said...

@broddybounce and 8:58 AM......JAK here

Thanks for info........I've lived thru 20 years of 'queer' meaning odd and then 40+ years of it being a cruel word to denigrate.........but I am glad to know it is no longer a 'forbidden' word. Though I know I will never use is forever a negative in my mind now.
Gay seems much nicer. :-)

Anonymous said...

Thanks broddybounce for your explanation.

When did the word 'gay'come into existence to mean homosexual and who created it?

Anonymous said...

Thank you for your post @8:35, have so often wished a gay man's perspective here and on other fan sites. And I mean this in the most kindest and respectful way: thank you for "coming out" here too!
Made me very happy! Value your input and work in the Admin team!