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Queen + Adam Lambert on argentinian news - Canal 7

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Sunday, May 17, 2015

Posted at : Sunday, May 17, 2015


Pan said...

The presenter says:"...and his name is Adam Lambert... ." (Spanish and Romanian are sister languages,hmm, kinda).This means that the South American Tour will be for Adam ,like a "conquest of paradise", like conquering a terra incognita. And I'm sure he will be a conqueror.
Apparently the 2 topics have nothing in common, they have.I am so proud of Adam's charitable and philantrophic concerts:Elton John's AIDS Foundation -Life Ball Vienna, We Are Family Gala-Nile Rodgers, Rays of Sunshine Children's Charity mini -concert. I'm sure his powerful label will make it possible again , other participation,other gigs. What is bothering me is that after such remarkable contributions , nothing, nothing new happened,shouldn't Adam's talent have been further promoted through media, other gigs, weren't those opportunities missed, aren't these missed opportunities reasons why the Viennese ,music lovers, fans of Queen from London, from Europe, knew almost nothing about Adam at the time of Queen+Adam Lambert Tour?
Listening , again, to Love Wins Over Glamour, it seems to me that this song, oddly enough , prefigured Era III !
