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"The Mail On Sunday: Music Gig Of The Week" Review "Queen + Adam Lambert Glasgow SSE Hydro" "Thriller QUEEN (Guaranteed To Blow Your Mind!)"

Filed Under () by glitzylady on Monday, January 26, 2015

Posted at : Monday, January 26, 2015

Print article from "TheMailOnSunday": Review in Music by Graeme Thomson "Gig Of The Week"

 Queen + Adam Lambert The SSE Hydro Glasgow

"Thriller QUEEN (Guaranteed to blow your mind!)"

Via: Note: CLICK ON THE LINK within the tweet below, and then CLICK AGAIN on the scan of the article.. It will enlarge to READABLE size!!! or see scans & screen caps below....

Scan of article

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Sorry, I don't have an actual link to the article but will post one if one becomes available: Still searching...


yada said...

WOW... I think this is the first review I've read where the writer is actually pretty harsh with Brian & Roger....but copious praise for Adam. I had to re-read it just to take in the "Did I just read this?" moment....


While I really appreciate what he wrote about Adam (thank you, Sir)... I was uncomfortable with his manner about Queen. I detect he is not a Queen fan....and doesn't "get" them and their music.

My assessment anyway....

Either that, or I am just not getting some serious attempt at sarcastic wit (intended as tongue & cheek?)

Regardless... he spoke well of Adam and his talent, and wrote some insight into the success and style of his frontmanship; which I thought is excellent.

Thank you for the post :)

Anonymous said...

I was at the Newcastle concert and to absolutely truthful I agree with the reviewer. When Brian did love of my life it was really lovely and you could tell the audience was moved by it, but his guitar solo was just went on for far too long. I'm sure guitar experts woud think it was technically wonderful but to the lay person it was just tuneless and went on and on, I could actually see people yawning. The same could be said to some extent about Roger's drum off with Rufus. After this interlude when Adam came back on the whole place came to life again. I'm sorry if this seems rude about Brian and Roger but that my experience and observations of the night

Dee R Gee said...

Extended guitars and drum solos have been a staple of big rock acts for decades. Queen is keeping them in the show as an homage to who they are and where they came from musically. I love Brian's and Roger's solo time onstage, but I can see how many would find them just too much. I have to think that both Brian and Roger know this. They're not naïve about the whole attention span thing. But these sections are their time to shine and show their stuff. Many in the audience do relish these solo "indulgences" and respect the artists.

JAK said...

It also gives Adam a break! :-)

broddybounce said...

Agreed Dee R Gee. When I saw them in San Jose last July, my seats were on the floor and we were standing the entire time and, to be truthful, it was a relief when Brian's solo occurred because everybody sat down and I needed that break! :) But, it also just so happens that I LOVE music that makes you feel like you're in space -- reminds me of years ago when I would attend Laserium shows at places like the Hayden Planetarium in NYC -- so, for me personally, I totally dug that section and appreciate Brian's musical choices and artistry.

Also, having worked as a manager on several theatrical tours (although you don't need to be a showbiz pro to figure this out) for such a physically demanding show for Adam, both his body and his voice, Brian and Roger's spots are probably a WELCOME respite/relief for him after the challenging first half. During that break, he probably can shower, rest a bit, and do his next costume change leisurely rather than the usual "quick change" (like he has to do going from the leather outfit to the one that starts ITLOTG).

Also, for me personally, I LOVED the drum battle between father & son. First, the whole idea of it is wonderful -- like passing the torch. But I also love watching Rufus -- of course, I think he is absolutely adorable -- and it doesn't hurt none to give him a little spotlight.

So I see all reasons as valid for the extended solos!

Anonymous said...

It's contagious.

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed Brian's guitar solo too & didn't find it too long, and Roger & Rufus's drum "battle" was great. I'm glad both those segments are included in the show. How rude & ignorant that people yawn during that part of the concert.

Anonymous said...

Hmmmm, I've just read this review. I don't think he's a Queen fan either .... well, maybe he was, once upon a time. It almost feels as though he's just going through the motions of having to do a review. However, he was complimentary about Adam.

Anonymous said...

let's face it - some people will love this section but some will be bored by it - each to their own