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Queen and Adam Lambert billboards today!!

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Saturday, November 15, 2014

Posted at : Saturday, November 15, 2014


Anonymous said...

That looks fine.

Gabi said...

Cool to finally see some promo evidence coming from Germany!

Anonymous said...

In Europe the name Queen and their music (at least some of it) is famous and known througout generations and people of all ages, it's something that you just pick up at some point of your life whether you're into music or not. And I'm convinced it will stay that way for decades to come... one way or another their ageless wonderful music is engraved in to your brain and heart.
Adam has already now done so much to keep the legacy of Queen ALIVE & KICKING!

Thanking Universe for these THREE WISE MEN, Brian, Roger and Adam! Soon to be truckin' again!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Rock'nRoll ;)