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Magdalena Schuster‎ Facebook: Thanks Adam Lambert for this beautiful bear - we will auction it for Operation Bobbi Bear at Sotheby's and Gavel&Grand!

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Posted at : Tuesday, October 28, 2014

 Thanks Adam Lambert for this beautiful bear - we will auction it for Operation Bobbi Bear at Sotheby's and Gavel&Grand!

The title of the Life Ball Song 2013, sung by Adam Lambert, would also make an appropriate description of his bear: “Love Wins Over Glamour“. The bear embraces the good cause with its extravagant style consisting of a tank top, leather pants, patent leather boots and a metal bracelet. The look is rounded off by characteristic features of the singer such as black eyeliner and tunnel ear plugs. Signed “Adam Lambert"

#bobbibearauction #lifeball #bobbibear

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