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Adam Lambert visits the showroom today!!! Via designersview

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Saturday, October 18, 2014

Posted at : Saturday, October 18, 2014

Always an amazing day when @adamlambert visits the showroom. Love him! #talent #artist #adamlambert #music #weho #westhollywood #furniture #design #decor #designersviews #comeingetlost #custom #ecofriendly


Lam-My said...

I kind of like this catch-phrase #comeingetlost...reminds me of my recent comment..."Checkmate! Get lost!" lol! But in this case, it has double interpretations, welcoming as well as opposing in meaning. Very nice and smart in the play of words. lol!
Adam is much sought after in the music as well as designers sectors. And he has a natural flair for both and other talents as well but these two seem to go hand in hand especially on stage. Adam an exceptional artist, has landed himself in artists' paradise.

Anne Marie said...

I think He is having the time of his life, decorating his home. It is obviously much bigger than his previous abodes, and is also a different style of home. He is probably getting things, that might be for bare rooms. Usually you buy furniture a piece at a time, but he may have ended up with some rooms with no furniture in them at all. Or the furniture he already had just didn't seem the right style for this home. I believe the whole top floor is his bedroom, work out room and bathroom also a sitting area. A lot of space to fill.

yada said...

Someone looks very happy to be getting his picture taken with Adam Lambert. ;)