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A Thought Provoking And Beautifully Written Essay About Adam Lambert: "Sex, Adam, and Everything In Between"

Filed Under () by glitzylady on Friday, September 26, 2014

Posted at : Friday, September 26, 2014

This fan, Aleksandra, writer of the Tumblr blog (and whom I follow because she ALWAYS has something interesting and well thought out to say), "Adam Lambert Through My Eyes", writes about Adam Lambert in ways I can only wish I could...

                    Adam Lambert some years ago....the eyes, the look...

Adam Lambert more recently: his eyes convey so much, with just a look, and a tilt of his head... 

But I digress..............................................................

This is her latest essay:

"Sex, Adam, and Everything In Between"..

***Here are the 1st three paragraphs of her much longer musings... thought provoking and (IMHO), beautifully written, and I suspect, very true... *Go to the link below to read the rest....

"Sex related aspects of Adam Lambert’s life, art and career which are visible and available to fans are manifold and abundant, yet perfectly viable to be not taken into consideration, if one feels like it. They are inseparable part of my perception of him, but there are as many perceptions as there are fans out there. You can ignore all of it, or some of it, and not miss much if that doesn’t rock your boat, or just doesn’t interest you. For those who are interested or even take pleasure in it, there’s plenty to choose from, from the most serious, politically and sociologically relevant burning topics, to completely decadent, bacchanalian revelries with which he occasionally treats us on stage and elsewhere." 

 "This story should be light and entertaining, because that’s what sex and sexy are supposed to be like; they’re best when they’re fun and good and uncomplicated, and they should always stay that way, forever and ever; but as it goes, they sometimes aren’t. Nevertheless, in the broadest sense of the word, sex can be found in Adam’s sexual orientation, his sexually charged performances, suggestive or explicit lyrics, lascivious innuendos during interviews and other means of communication with fans or press, and last but certainly not the least, in Adam’s glorious physique." 

"His beauty and smoldering good looks are found appealing by all genders and orientations, and the scant ones who are not of the same opinion also happen to be a motley crew. Adam is neither the first nor the last person to have such a widespread sex appeal, which seems to be quite an elusive category. It is independent from physical perfection, or the ever shifting masculinity/femininity ratio in appearance, although Adam does strive for the former and enjoys playing with the latter. The closest definition of it would be to just call it an X factor, which you either have or don’t. Most definitely, it has nothing to do with the fact that Adam is gay."..........

Please read the rest of the essay here:

"Sex, Adam, and Everything In Between"

The video from Fantasy Springs 1, Feb. 2010, (Adam's first solo headlining venue) to which she refers in her essay: 

Whole Lotta Love, (acoustic) **Improved Version** via The Lambosessives' Lair


Gabi said...

"I think his sexual orientation is a part of his music which cannot be fully grasped without taking his sexuality into consideration."

So true on one hand, but then again I completely forgot about Adam's sexual orientation when I saw him perform "Ring of Fire" for the first time. "Sexy is sexy", and you either have it or not.

Thank you for this beautifully written article that reminds me why I became such a passionate fan.

Naupaka18 said...

Totally agree!!!:)
Thanks Gabi:)
Sexy is sexy
Adam sure is like a 'Sexy Magnet" to me!!!:):):)
especially his eyes & smiles at first look,
& Adam's just an awesome wholesome sexy man being!

Dee R Gee said...

Sexy is sexy, as Adam has said. I think lots of people were surprised right after Idol, when Adam was interviewed a lot and was always asked about his sexuality. He talked about it so openly and frankly, unapologetically. I can't think of another gay singer who has done that, at least to a mainstream audience. He has shown the world that being gay doesn't get in the way of being friendly and nice and funny and normal and generous and appealing to a huge audience. And he doesn't have to hide his sexuality to do it. He is just himself. So many before him either wouldn't or couldn't do it, at least not until they were very successful first. Adam had guts. Still does.

JAK said...

A really 'grown up' essay about sexual attraction. A+

glitzylady said...

I hope that since this thread has already gone to the second page, even though it was posted just a few hours ago, that it isn't already "dead". Such a great essay. I hope others have a chance to read it....