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Digital Spy: "Adam Lambert fan beats security to hide in car" in Australia

Filed Under () by glitzylady on Saturday, August 23, 2014

Posted at : Saturday, August 23, 2014

Scary!!! And not cool :((

"Adam Lambert Fan Beats Security To Hide In Car" 

Excerpts from the article:

"Adam Lambert had a surprise upon arriving in Australia, when he found a fan waiting in his car."

 "Despite the presence of extra security due to the large number of fans waiting at the airport, one eager female found her way into Lambert's waiting car."

" "He got in to find a fan sitting in the car!" a source told Digital Spy. "She was facing forward and didn't make eye contact with him or say anything at all." "

"Taking the incident in good spirits, Lambert is said to have found the fan's efforts "hilarious"."

Link to the rest of the article:

And a follow-up to this: with a "Hmmmmm.."

**This, from an interview in spring 2013: South Florida Gay News

"Adam Lambert Talks Life and Love with SFGN"

Q. "Any crazy fan stories"? 

Adam:  "I was in New York and I was doing a concert there with Cyndi Lauper. This was after the show. There were some fans waiting outside behind the barricades. I was walking out towards the car and the security was ushering me towards it and the doors open. Right before I get to the car this woman really stealthily creeps into the car and sits in the passenger seat. She doesn’t even look at me, she just looks ahead, like “if I don’t look at him he won’t see me” . I get into the car and I’m like “wait, who are you?” And security comes to the other side really quick and says ‘ma’am you have to get out of the car please.’ And she just sits there again staring straight ahead and not saying anything as if they’re not going to see her if she doesn’t say anything. It was hilarious . She was going for it."

Link to the article (well worth another read...)...


Anonymous said...
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Molly R. said...

This is an old story from last year basically repeated word by word.

Even Adams reaction is described as "hilarious" in both articles.

And now Shoshanna is getting defensive on twitter.

If you want to create buzz for your client, be at least a bit flexible and do not rehash old stories.

glitzylady said...

@Molly R.
After I posted this "story" I was also thinking that it sounded extremely familiar, as in identical.. because I remember that also...

glitzylady said...

One more thought about this alleged story:

One would think that the security would be VERY VERY tight at the airport and elsewhere for the Queen entourage... Probably much more so than for Adam as a solo artist..

Either way, just want Adam to be safe...

glitzylady said...

Yes, and exactly why I posted the other article/interview as an addendum to this post... because it makes you go "huh..."...

glitzylady said...

Although, wouldn't we ALL like to be in a car with Adam?? Just for a little chat :))

Anonymous said...

I just don't understand Adam's publicist stooping that low to promote and obviously fake story from last year. Doesn't she know that there are many Glambert encyclopedias out there that never miss or forget anything written, said or done by or about Adam.

I am almost tempted to tweet her the old article. But what good would that do. Smh.

glitzylady said...

Or it could just be a crazy coincidence... Because fans do get a **little** **over-zealous** sometimes.. As we hear from time to time..

Anonymous said...

LOL Shosh should have just stayed quiet. Her defensiveness is hilarious. (Whereas a stalker making it in Adam's car is not.)