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Adam Lambert's NEW INTERVIEW with Rolling Stone

Filed Under (,, ) by Admin on Thursday, March 6, 2014

Posted at : Thursday, March 06, 2014


Anonymous said...

JAK here......I'm glad the question was asked and answered about John Deacon. I've read a lot of posts here and there of people insinuating Roger and Brian had squeezed John out.....not so. He wanted and still wants out! He certainly can retire if he wants to.....he can afford it!

Lovely interview with 3 classy gents...<3

Anonymous said...

@JAK. I guess he is content with what he has achieved and he is financially set making money from Queen's album sales. No worry to deal with publicity, tabloids, fans, cameras, etc. Dr. Bri and Roger keep on going with their love for music and publicity doesn't bother them. They ride the wave without sink in it.

Anonymous said...

OH MAN!...This is a terrific interview!

Love that Brian included "animal magnetism" when evaluating a performer... Adam has in spades!

And, Taylor explained what he meant by "Diva" when describing Adam; "To me, Diva means an extraordinary, outrageously theatrical, brilliant performer." That about sums up Adam, all right!


Again, Congratulation Adam! Dream of a lifetime. Sooooo happy for him, he deserves it! And, what a great lead-in to his upcoming album!

xo laura

Anonymous said...

I love Brian and Rodger! This interview definitely shows the respect these great men have for Adam! They get him! I also love how humble and gracious Adam is towards Dr. Bri and Roger! The love and admiration of these three gentlemen will be reflected in the great music they make! It is a win, win for everyone! It's so inspiring the way Brian has pulled through tough medical situations!
I'm so happy for him! Roger, Brian, and Adam are a wonderful team. This came through quite clearly in the Rolling Stone interview! I hope the doubters will read it!...........nancdruuu2

Anonymous said...

I read a couple of interviews today that said that Adam was in Glee last year including Rolling Stone. I wonder if some just copy each other. When Adam was interviewed, he said that he was in Glee this year. I wish they would do more research, as stay current; it would be helpful. Did anyone else notice this.

Anonymous said...

@HK fan!
Saw your post in the comment section of RS, excellent!
Some comments though... oh boy, I think Freddie would be really sad...I can understand the need to keep Freddie 'the forever frontman of Queen', but that there a hard core fans who mock dri Bri and Roger for carrying on... that's pretty awful & one-eyed...
Miss your posts here, HK fan!